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The power of asteroseismology: stellar structure revealed by global oscillations

Titel der Veranstaltung The power of asteroseismology: stellar structure revealed by global oscillations
Reihe Astrophysikalisches Kolloquium
Veranstalter Astrophysik
Referent/in Saskia Hekker
Einrichtung Referent/in Heidelberg
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung The field of asteroseismology — the study of the internal structures of stars through their global oscillations — has changed our way of looking at stars tremendously over the last decade or more. As a result of new space missions that obtain time series data of unprecedented precision, cadence and length, many oscillations in large numbers of stars have been revealed. Understanding these oscillations in terms of the internal structures of the stars they belong to is an ongoing effort. In this talk I will present achievements so far and prospects for further understanding of stellar structures.
Zeit Beginn: 12.05.2022, 14:15 Uhr
Ende: 12.05.2022 , 15:15 Uhr
Ort Fakultät für Physik (Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1)
Seminarraum Astrophysik (SR 17, F 05.104)
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