In publica commoda

Studieren in Göttingen


You can choose your subject of study at Göttingen University from more than 200 degree programmes. Research-oriented studies are just as important to us as exchange opportunities with partner universities all over the world. For those who want more: we offer a matching master's programme for every bachelor's degree.

Prospective students

Range of Study Programmes

Degree programmes from A to Z

Information and Advice

Find out more about our information- and advisory services for prospective students.

Learn more
Cross-programme Schnupperstudium
from 12.

Campus Tours

With students on the road

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen: Feed EN

Information for Students

Student Life in Göttingen

Profession and Career

After Graduation

Whether it's an internship abroad or setting up a business: Career Service and Start-up Support help you take the first steps towards making your own money. With our Alumni Association, you will remain connected to the university for life.