Theses Advisory Committee Lists
Thesis advisory committees are comprised of at least three members: the main supervisor and one additional examination accredited person as well as one further academic holding a doctoral degree. Accordingly, each supervisor is represented in quite a few TACs. To provide an overview of these memberships, this information is available (only to GAUSS members) via a password-protected area on this website below.
All supervisors can use these lists to view their TAC memberships and other information. Please follow the link "For Supervisors" below. If you have any questions or require login assistance, please contact the GAUSS Office.
PhD students can use the lists, which include the number of TAC memberships per supervisor, to obtain an overview of the individual workload and resulting capacity of individual TAC members. This information can be helpful in selecting one's own TAC and examination committee in consultation with the main supervisor. The login data can be requested via email from the GAUSS Office (the lists are for internal use only).