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Ideas Competition for Students

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The University of Goettingen honoured students' ideas 2023
The Ideas Competition for Students 2022 was held under the motto "Sustainable. Future. Studying." and asked how the university can address and react to the current situation in a future-oriented way in the area of studying and teaching.
98 proposals were submitted, five received cash and non-cash prizes.

The award ceremony with invited guests took place on 10.07.2023 in the Historical Observatory.

The Jury decided in favour of the following submissions:
1st Price (500 Euro) for Wiebke Stein and Patrick Marquardt „GASP - Göttingen Papers in Social and Political Sciences“ The student journal GASP is intended to publish 10-15 term papers per semester to provide real-world examples of successful papers and to provide lasting recognition of the time and resources that went into writing them. for more... view slideshow (pdf)

2nd Price (300 Euro) for Lennart Wilmsmeier, Marius Müller, Heidi Hoffmann and Moritz Hasper „Interdisciplinary module for the implementation of agroforestry systems with subsequent scientific monitoring“ In the interdisciplinary agroforestry module, students and vocational students work together to plan agroforestry systems for farmers that, once implemented, will serve as scientific test sites, food suppliers, carbon sinks, and a structurally rich habitat for a wide range of biodiversity. for more... view slideshow (pdf)

In Addition three non-cash prices were awarded to:
David Graefe für „Promoting mindfulness-based offerings to support mental health for more sustainable learning, teaching, and research at the University of Göttingen.“ for more... view slideshow (pdf)
Jasper David Rasokat für „Ecological enhancement at the central campus“ for more... view slideshow (pdf)
Leon Maximilian Schulz und Pia Schmitt für „Sustainability Connects“ for more... view slideshow (pdf)